Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth Of July!!

I am so happy we have dragonflies! I have always loved the look of dragonflies. I had four in my garden yesterday. Really bummed we have not found the camera (Ben confessed he got it off my desk to show someone a picture it is not where he thought he put it). Then today when looking up if they were good or bad for a garden I found out they eat mesquitos. We are overrun with mesquitos I try not to go out after 6:30 I get bit really bad and I react to bug spray. Any way I love dragonflies and I read to build the water pond with plants to attract them. We have a water source for the bees that I think is also the source for the mesquitos so I am going to add some water plants if I can find some for free or very cheap.

I pulled the potatoes today. I shouldn't have they had a lot of new growth. We had not built the boxes to increase the height and the blooms had come and gone and the plants did not look like they were doing good. We will be replanting. Which leads me to the fact I read today that mid July was the time to plant broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, beets, carrots, and other fall crops. Luckily Dan is building more boxes and planning to get some mulch and dirt for me this week.

I did plant cilantro in the square next to the tomato ( need to check that is okay) I planted a box next to the pepper in the front box where the watermelon is growing. I am writing this because I could not find my marking materials. It is tough when you have older children and a husband who love to "borrow" your supplies.

Watermelon: We have a Barbie size watermelon!! We bought 2 at the farmer's market they were so GOOD from the sample we had to buy some. I bought a case of eggplant to put up in the freezer-just in case ours do not come thru. I bought 3 cases of peaches we will be canning this week. I finally did a price check on my savings at the farmer's market. When compared to the sales flyer for the week I saved 62% on the fresh fruit and vegetables I bought. That is very encouraging and convinces me I need to start a coop for others to get the same savings. It is nice to have the proof of what I will be able to save them even if I charge to cover gas and time. I think everyone will save at least 50%-60% and the items I purchased looked so much fresher than what I saw at two stores today.

My chickens are enjoying the cooler weather today. I am worried if all the fireworks are going to effect their laying. The heat is already taking a toll. As I am typing this my son is begging to set off the fireworks he got today. When we bought them it was going to be tomorrow when his dad was home to help. He has been trying to get his older siblings to watch him but they are not agreeable today. So I am going to watch him before he explodes. Have a great Fourth!

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