Thursday, May 27, 2010

The grapes are coming in. Tomatoes Yeah!

Above green beans, strawberries and lettuce bed

Peas and peppers YUM!!

My experiment. I broke the top off a tomato on accident so I rooting it for another plant .

Above the same squash plant from earlier picture. It is more than covering a 3ft by 3 ft square.
The watermelon is blooming. I have 8 watermelon plants and fingers crossed.

Below the tomato plants that I thought had died the squash from above to see the difference from the earlier picture. The bottom pictures show about 1/3 of garden. The bottom is one of four zucchini we found sprouting in the container I had my supplies in and put the packet of seeds in. The ones I planted in the ground never sprouted.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lettuce and spinach O MY!

This is a huge bowl of lettuce. I even dropped some on the driveway.
This is one of those large ice cream tubs filled with spinach. It is all about balance. Ice Cream not so healthy, Spinach healthy. Both tasty! These were harvested on May 21, 2010.
Today there is more spinach ready and a little bit of lettuce I think I over harvested the lettuce however due to heat I think it is starting to bolt. Starting to plan ways to create sun shade for next year. I have peas about ready to harvest my hubby has been grabbing pea pods. Some of the tomatoes have started to form fruit. Yeah! The peppers are forming as well.

The watermelon some how I now have 8 plants growing meant to plant 4. If they produce I am sure they all will be eaten. The melons vines are finally taking off. The cucumber plants have baby cucumbers. My squash plants is forming about 5 squash, one was rotting today even though tiny. The plant does take over the 3ft by 3 ft of a the 4ft by 4ft square. Two of my tomato seedlings that I thought had died are starting to grow. I have only 15 tomato plants this year hopefully they will be very fruitful. The green beans are taking off. The first "row" I planted are budding flowers. The asparagus beans are vining to about my height they have grown faster than beans previously planted.

I have an empty box that I want to put zucchini and more peppers out. The not having a car is starting to get annoying. Also now that I can use the car I have no money. They have three boxes they moved up front but no dirt we will see what happens.

It is a shame that my hubby will be traveling and not getting to enjoy the harvest we will have. I am glad to have DJ still at home to help with the heavy lifting.

I am excited. We may be in a financial position next year for me to purchase the curriculum I want to use not what I can afford to use. We are going to be able to go on field trips that have cost and even the ones that don't. It has been hard making it on one income and one part time income when the full time income is a fraction of what it has been in the past. For the first time in many years our income side of the budget may be larger than the expense. WHOO HOO!!!

I still really want to start a food coop from the farmers market!! May try to have a yard sale next weekend.
The house is quiet no on here this is when I like to clean.
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Friday, May 7, 2010


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Morning in my garden

Trying to get pictures on this blog site! UGH! Now remembering why I was Not blogging regular. I had more pictures but loading and moving them is a pain. Any way the garden is doing well...

Squash On the vine!

Lettuce Bed
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