If I find the camera I can't find the batteries that are charged. If I get pictures taken the cord to the computer is MIA. I have been looking for the camera on and off for a week. It is possible I set it down in the garden, shed or garage. I need to get a clapper thing for the camera.
The garden is doing fine. I think. The tomatoes are not turning red I have
alot of green tomatoes each plant varies with production some have one while others have 6 or more. They do increase almost daily. I have red that in temps over 85 they shut down producing. The information is as follows: Another factor in how long it takes for a tomato to turn red is the outside temperature. Tomatoes will only produce
lycopene and carotene, two substances that help a tomato turn red, between the
temperatures of 50F and 85F. If it is any cooler that 50F, those tomatoes will stay a stubborn green. Any warmer than 85F and the process that produces
lycopene and carotene comes to a screeching halt. We have been over 85 since May. A few days were lower but not many.
I have gathered a few handfuls of wax beans and a few handful of green beans. I found a recipe for wax beans with mint. Dan said we had mint growing in the yard but I can not find it. I will be planting some herbs this weekend. I have found I want mint and cilantro. I will also be planting pumpkins and maybe more beans. I have waited to long to plant squash and more watermelon. Although I may try any way. I have a baby cucumber, and the beginnings of two watermelon. I do see buds on the eggplant and peppers.
Hubby and I spent the weekend arguing over how much to water the garden. I have been giving it a good soak once a week. He convinced me I need to water more til I researched. A more experienced gardener told me to wait til plants looked droopy to water if needed they haven't until today. I read that watering more will make good looking plants but the roots are shallow. So I will stick to watering if droopy so I will be out there tonight. Which the last time I watered was Sunday my regular day to water. It is hard to gauge the days are so hot over 95 and when the area gets rain it seems to go around us.
I waited too long to root hydrangeas. I do not have the containers to place them in or extra potting soil. I may try some in the fall as some sites have said you can in the fall.
MULCH! Such a lovely thing. My neighbor gave me enough mulch to fill in my front sidewalk area, my mailbox area, the raspberry area, the grapes and my boxes. He even let us use his riding mower and cart to get it. Then the kids hanging out at my house thought it was neat and collected and spread the mulch for me. That will make hubby's day as he figured our son would only pile it in our yard for us. Many hands make light work.
HONEYBEES: We are not getting much honey at all this year. We did better last year with the drought. I would not mind less honey if the the broods were building so we could split the hives but they are not strong hives. Hopefully we will get good stock from a different source next year. I did get a few quarts for us. I guess it will be for tea only and not baking.
Chickens: The babies are growing fast they are white fluff balls right now. We had Alice escape again. It took us almost three days to catch her. I was worried the whole time. I had to leave and saw the neighbors cat slinking into the backyard. I could run her off but she would be back before I could say boo. I figured the chicken would know to fly away from her as she had from us. It was funny watching a group of teenage boys chase the chicken the first day. Even funnier to hear "I didn't know chickens could fly" repeated several times. The other chickens were not laying thanks to all the excitement. I tried putting our broody hens in a separate cage. My son kept putting them back in when I said make sure they get food and water. He I think I will let them be broody because I do not want to be chasing Alice again. She gets out when we grab the broody hens. She is a smart bird. A second bird escaped when my hubby left the door ajar while chasing Alice we got her in a few minutes. It was the teens who got her on the third day.
We will be going to farmers market I hope the peach vendor I bought from last time will be there. I will purchase a couple of bushels to can, Jenna said she would help. I will get a bushel to eat right away. I hope to get some local blueberries and squash. The hardest part is getting every thing put away after going. It is a two day process but so worth the savings and getting fresher food.