Monday, July 13, 2009

62 Green Tomatoes & 1 Almost Red

Last night we had thunderstorms. It knocked down one of my trellises but not the one I thought would fall. Luckily no damage.

I picked enough green beans for dinner over the last two days. I picked one red strawberry. Last week I added 9 month fertilizer to the garden. I decided to pull my marigolds out of my long box. They were growing over the peppers and crowding the tomatoes and eggplants. At least I know I can grow marigolds. I did replant them in the containers in front of the bed. I am hoping that the remaining vegetable plants will be happy with the extra room.

The watermelon is growing. I have two more in the beginning stages two fell off-which I think is good for the remaining fruits. I will be planting more watermelon, pumpkins, cucumbers and cantaloupe.

The green beans have lots of flowers and pods. I do believe I over planted one of the front boxes. A box of all green beans with a few tomato plants is alot. Square foot garden author just came out with a change that a tomato plant needs 2 square ft not one, or I just found out about the change from the square ft site. I planted 17 tomato plants in one square foot. I am going to try to make transplants from the existing plants I may try the 2 square ft. I read where you cut off sprout or top of tomato plant 5-6 inches put in water when roots appear transplant to dirt.

My biggest problems is that we either like vegetables that need to be trellised or need lots of room. For example the zucchini need 3 square feet, the tomatoes 2 and need trellis if vine which I am having better luck with. Cucumbers, pea, limas, pole beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, and pumpkins all need trellises and room. And they all need the sun of the front area. Our back bed do not get enough sun for the plants that fruit. I will be trying broccoli, and lettuces back there.

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